
HP motor racing, Schefflenz, D

An amazing mud fight was to be seen at the European Cross Country final in Schefflenz - the finale with the best riders of the Austrian, Italian and German Cross Country Championships.

hp race professional class
Heavy showers transformed what is in fact an attractive meadowed area into a mud bath for this last race of the professional class.

Simo Kirssi Finn
Even regular climbs became a real challenge. But not for Simo Kirssi - as a Finn accustomed to such difficult conditions, he powered his HP2 Enduro with incomparable skill round the circuit to the applause of the numerous spectators.

Gerhard Forster BMW rider
Gerhard Forster also lined up for the start: the two BMW riders were able to give an impressive demonstration of the power and traction of the HP2, thundering straight up the slopes where others fell.

Simo Kirssi semi-professional
Simo Kirssi was able to achieve an outstanding 6th position after 2 hours of exceptionally tough racing time. Gerhard Forster managed 11th place with the semi-professionals.

Country Champion Bert Meyer
The European Cross Country Champion was Bert Meyer, who had finished second in the German Cross Country series.

best 2-cylinder rider Kirssi
As the best 2-cylinder rider in the series, Kirssi enjoyed well-deserved special applause at the celebrations after the race.

BMW HP2 racing season
A very pleasing conclusion to a successful BMW HP2 racing season!

Gerhard Forster HP2
Gerhard Forster: "At first I had to get used to the power of the HP2 again, but the more selective it got, the getter I was able to get some drive out of the bike´s incredible traction.

Pure off-road pleasure in these conditions!

Simo Kirssi rider
"Simo Kirssi: "Today it was really hard work again on this difficult, slippery surface.

HP motor racing, Schefflenz, D
But it was also great fun ploughing everything up with the power of the HP2.

bmw cross country season
I´m certainly looking forward to the next cross country season with BMW."